
Leadership tips – collaboration vs competition

Leadership tips – collaboration vs competition

I once consulted for a computer animation studio. It had a new project that required the engineers and artists to apply technologies they had never used before. 

In addition to the internal team, the executive put in charge of the project hired contractors to do the same job. Since they were dealing with new software and hardware, it was a good idea to have a backup plan, or so the executive thought. 

There wasn't much communication between internal and external efforts. But there sure were chaos, backstabbing, and a lack of resource sharing. 

It was the classic leadership example of how NOT to manage a team.

So competition or collaboration? As with most questions in company culture and leadership, the answer lies somewhere in between.

Collaboration - company culture of the 21st Century

I'm a big proponent for a collaborative culture at work. You want to synergize your team members' individual strengths and focus all efforts for the common good. 

Once a collaborative company culture is in place, higher trust and the willingness to do more will follow.

When unnecessary competition is present, people are less inclined to share knowledge and resource. An effective solution that can be applied to other areas for the company is often held up until the person that came up with it gets the credit and reward.

Collaboration inspires the spread of best practices and knowledge, which significantly improves company efficiency and productivity. Collaboration also creates an environment where employees can learn from each other's accomplishments and failures without accusation and hostility. Cross-functional and inter-division cohesion is critical to the long-term success of an organization.

Mange through healthy competitiveness

However, I have also seen companies that implemented competition with great effectiveness. Competitiveness generates a sense of urgency and can be highly motivational for some people. Strategically applied in the short term can impact organizational productivity.

Leadership that plans to introduce competition into the dynamics of company culture must ensure transparency. Make sure to clearly communicate that the "competitive" efforts are short term. There should be no confusion that everyone is working toward a mutual goal that will benefit the organization, and in turn, all employees. 

Also, establish ahead of time that "competing teams" will be reorganized and reshuffled after the project. The current competition will become teammates afterward, which should ensure a friendlier competitive spirit. 

Competition can be another option in your leadership toolbox if you have a collaboration culture in place. Despite some healthy competition, employees should understand that communication, resource sharing, and trust are the company's real foundation.

Collaboration inspires the spread of best practices and knowledge, which significantly improves company efficiency and productivity. Collaboration also creates an environment where employees can learn from each other's accomplishments and failures without accusation and hostility. Cross-functional and inter-division cohesion is critical to the long-term success of an organization.

Prioritize collaboration opportunities

Collaboration isn't possible if team members aren't presented with opportunities where collaboration is necessary. Inter-department projects where mutual respect and cooperation are needed is one way to bring people together for a shared purpose. 

However, not everyone is comfortable collaborating. As a leader, you may need to invest in training and conferencing technology. Incentives that encourage collaboration over competition can also help build the type of company culture you have envisioned. 

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